Maxim Litvinov was responsible for opening those talks, and a year later, Stalin fired him for being Jewish and understandably anti-nazi.
Mean leftist who believes in magic genders
Maxim Litvinov was responsible for opening those talks, and a year later, Stalin fired him for being Jewish and understandably anti-nazi.
Sounds like lesser-evilism to me. I don’t really have that much of a problem with you thinking all that if you can apply the same mindset to modern politics.
The chad wojak in this meme is also a communist.
No, I don’t look past Genocide Joe II’s flaws. I hate his guts. Whether or not he wins, I’m trying my hardest to get my partner out of the US. He will certainly doom the US to a fascist Trump regime. Nothing I said in this meme or this entire thread looks past his flaws, excuses or accepts them in any way. He’s a shithead through and through. Please vote for him.
If I’m an armchair general, then so was Marx, who said the same things I’m saying, and so was the USSR’s own People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs, Maxim Litvinov. People were telling Stalin that Germany was a threat, and that worldwide communism was required. Stalin ignored communist theory and he ignored members of his own government. And what did his Russia actually do in the end? It signed trade agreements from 1935 to 1939, supplying Hitler with raw materials for the Nazi war machine.
Stalin was an incompetent fool when it came to foreign policy with the Nazis. If he’d had a shred of common decency, he would have tried to do something about the holocaust OTHER THAN helping the Nazis.
Genocide Joe the first is dead. There’s nothing to gain by supporting him. Biden is alive. He’s most likely going to be a participant in the upcoming election that decides whether my partner lives or dies. I care about my partner’s life.
Good people (such as the wonderful scientists at the Institute of Sex Research) are capable of critical thinking and questioning their problematic beliefs. That’s always been true and it always will be. There has never been a time in history when a good person thought we should throw all gay people in jail.
Hell yeah 🤘! Some people are actually trying to make a Biden presidency more appealing instead of giving up on fighting Trump and on saving lives
Painting bike lanes, growing vegetables, giving amateur therapy to otherkin, blowing up oil pipelines, giving cops a good reason to be scared, practicing witchcraft, and distributing arms to the workers.
It shouldn’t take time for a person to realise that criminalising being gay is wrong. You should just know that by the time you’re 5 years old. At the latest. I have no idea what Genocide Joe’s parents taught him as a child, but they obviously failed to raise a good boy. They raised a shithead.
Stalin should have marched on Berlin in 1933, or ideally sooner. That’s what Marx said to do. Stalin was a failure of a Marxist and he failed the world.
He also shouldn’t have outlawed homosexuality in Russia, but I think you and I already agree on that.
My country has instant runoff and it’s great. We’re doing way better than the US. They should overthrow the government and implement communism, or at the very least an actual democracy.
Now, do you think the communist orgs in America can pull off all that in the space between now and Trump enacting his plans for dictatorship? Or do you think maybe we should do something about the Trump problem BEFORE he kills all the trans people, immigrants, and communists in his country?
I ask you, what state would the world be in if we had had a progressive Soviet Union? One that was 50 years ahead of the states on queer issues? One that was committed to racial and religious equality? How would the fight for global communism be going today if Genocide Joe had not armed the US with material for their propaganda that claims communism is right wing? If everyone in the world knew today that the USSR had been a haven for queer and Jewish people, decades ahead of the capitalist regimes, how easy would it be to persuade people into allies of the communist cause today? How much would a genuinely positive example help us?
Joseph Stalin fought the Nazis on the battlefield, but he was their ally in the cause of bigotry and hate. He had every opportunity to choose to become a progressive, and he refused. Fuck him.
The Institute of Sex Research was burned down in 1933. It wasn’t a “different time”, it was a time with the same political issues and the same Nazi rhetoric attacking trans people. Had something been done to prevent the rise of the Nazis and protect the Institute of Sex Research, trans healthcare would be 50 years ahead in technology and we wouldn’t be facing the same issues today. But Genocide Joe (the Russian one) opted not to do anything about the Nazis until 8 years later when Hitler brought the war to Russia.
Genocide Joe was aware of the issues. He chose not to protect trans people, and he chose to persecute gay people. Marx said a worldwide revolution would be required, but Joe said fuck that, homosexuality is bourgeois, and stayed in Russia. He is in large part responsible for the current plight of LGBT people.
And I wasn’t calling atheists genocidal when I mentioned their cultural Christianity.
That’s why this isn’t a meme about atheists. It’s a meme about antitheists.
That’s why this isn’t a meme about atheists. It’s a meme about antitheists.
Western atheism and antitheism often exist as reactions to Christianity on a factual or ethical basis, while remaining within a Christian cultural and moral context. Historically, Christians and atheists have worked together to attack other religions, such as in the case of the stolen generations in Australia or the cult panic in America. This pattern of behaviour is counterintuitive if you’re culturally Christian (as most atheists are), but from a broader cultural perspective it’s kind of obvious. Christianity and white atheism exist as offshoots of the same history in the same way that Catholicism and Protestantism do.
If you have an actual understanding of pre-roman polytheism, then you’re capable of seeing the difference between belief and worship. A difference Christians have tried to erase, and white atheists have not challenged. Giving up cultural Christianity is beyond most white atheists’ ability to even imagine. What I call cultural Christianity, they would just as soon call “common sense” or “reality”.
Also I’ve never met an antitheist who has spent longer than an hour thinking about whether they’re advocating cultural genocide of indigenous people.
Ah, okay. I misunderstood you because you used the word cult in a very sweeping way right after I said it was a slur. I understand you now.
I would make the contention that at least one religion exists and has evidence: The worship of money. Money isn’t real, it’s a social construct given power and made part of our reality by our belief in it. It’s mystical. Many people spend their entire lives worshipping it. They want it, they venerate it, and they seek wisdom from the people who have it. The worship of money is misguided, and unwise, and it fundamentally mistakes the point of life. But it is evidence-based. People worship money because they see its material power over the world and respect it as the giver of life, love, and happiness. That sounds like a religion to me, and there’s no empirical proof which can dismiss these claims about money that are the core belief system of Mammon.
Look, the crystal maze is absolutely essential to run Woodchips without a waterslide. You can complain all you want, but unless you want to run back to Microsoft for your woodchips deployment, this is the way. I’m not saying Gumbies is perfect, here, just that it’s the only viable unix implementation. If you want come up with your own sandcubing solution for Flurble, be my guest.