2 years ago… in Warsaw.
For people who didn’t watch way too many Zizek talks: Zizek used this joke to illustrate a point. As it goes, I completely forgot the point, but memorized the joke. Probably because I’m a pervert. Here goes: In an exhibition in Moscow, there’s a painting with the title “Lenin in Warsaw” depicting a woman who looks suspiciously like Nadezhda Krupskaya, Lenin’s wife, screwing what appears to be a student. A confused visitor asks the guide standing beneath the painting: “But where’s Lenin?” The guide, of course, answers: “Lenin is in Warsaw.”
True, but let’s be real here: it’s only true, because you started the genocide much earlier and at this point in time are basically done, besides when some holy site or other is in the way of building an environment destroying pipeline and necessitates a belated mop up operation on a scale small enough to be largely overlooked, especially by corporate media who couldn’t give a fuck about any genocide that can’t be used to further a profitable agenda anyway.