Tried it today, didn’t expect much, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at the speed and look and feel. I will give it a try for a while to see if I will switch from vscode permanently.
Tried it today, didn’t expect much, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at the speed and look and feel. I will give it a try for a while to see if I will switch from vscode permanently.
mexican russian joker
This is great! I’ve only recently discovered jq and was thrilled to have it after bashing my head in bash for a couple of days. I replaced the whole operation with a single line. This tutorial is just what I need. I like that it’s interactive and has neatly grouped examples! Bookmarking it, as I’ll need it very soon again.
Are they any close? Seems like they’ve been doing it for ages and they aren’t close.