Gamejams! They always look like a blast especially if your goal is just getting something started.
Gamejams! They always look like a blast especially if your goal is just getting something started.
Exactly I fully expect Russia to continue cutting edge early 2000s os development
Lmao. It is more barebones but yeah “feature: none” is a real jab
On one hand I love this, but also I think your right. ‘partners: alice bob’ in make file doesn’t work right?
Gitlab is actively working integrating AP and ForgeFed into it. ForgeJo has been working on ForgeFed.
I can’t wait tbh. I want to follow a project and comment on releases. @ a projects issues to create an issue in that project community.
Also can’t wait to have one big searchable open source forge. Random git project. Gnome. Free desktop. Mozilla. GNU. KDE. Fedora. OpenSuse.
All searchable, cross forkable, cross referencable, etc.
I did that for work. Could have my phone but we could read so I just printed out c or python and tried to make sense of what I was reading
100% like can you message me? Sure. Will I help or hell respond? Probally not tbh. Work, chores, and hobbies keep me busy enough.
I have a mention in forward with a note being “the only documention left was a series of desperate sounding emails that the documentation was still on the now quarenteened work computers and something about a README”
THIS HAS HAPPENED TWICE TO ME, like I appreciate my bosses and PMs being chill and not wanting to overwork me on my way out but seriously guys I needed to hand this off to someone and put it somewhere. shrug
The project looks amazing! It looks like its initial use case maybe closer to SEL4 in the trusted computing space but if it can support containers I’m pumped to try and get RKE2 running on it.
The thought put into DevX really is the nicest part to me though.
Oh man, taking the reference code for an academic white paper and trying to add something to it is a trip.
Almost never any thought beyond proving the point of the paper.
Static? I mean for most of the web it honestly seems like the move. HTMX?
Agreed it seems like the largest factor is what is cost (both time, effort, and capital) is to run with real data vs tabletopping it. Mapping out unknowns might help if the costs of not catching unknowns is too high.
I guess maybe its my sysadnin coding /DevOps domain that makes a couple of people spit balling on a white board faster to get started then rack and stacking, powercycling, or provisioning new instances.
Makes sense when try to work through a complex logic flow that you just aren’t sure about.
Annoyingly self reported chinease users I used to talk to would go dark after mention a certain square, tanks, and massacre. Since the push for misinformation instead of censorship its been less common but it also just seems like there are less people from China in my internet social circles now too. :/
Lol. Oh no I hope not, but a totally different system.
Perl because a system I worked on was just a bunch of Perl scripts in a trench coat pretending to be a program.
I learned it because the ancient beast kept breaking because it just a bunch of Perl scripts in a trench coat cobbled together over generations.
Any open projects you could point to on the subject or articles about the government efforts? I would love to learn more on that!