kNN was a precursor to AI and is just as much slop.
kNN was a precursor to AI and is just as much slop.
is there some list of all the options? I would be cool with having multiple apps if they don’t break them all at the same time
it made a noise that sounded vaguely blue?
no but y y youre youre youre youre y you’re saying the money’s in Joe’s house, th thats that’s right next to yours, and and and and the Kennedy House, and Mrs Maitlin’s house and a hundred others.
w w why w why why why whaddaya want the Moon, Mary? L L L Lemme throw a LASSoo around it.
Because then the applicant uses AI to apply for the job, and it’s just AI all the way down
it really took “box” seriously there
eat the chewed donut problem solved
in public: foot under partition means I want my dick sucked
at a sex party its the one with the line
i imagine the average high street or mall shop uses more plastic in a month than an average common or garden household uses in a year, and it goes up in magnitude from there.
we’ve had acid rain since the 1850s and we still have it today
it’s probably even less, maybe even negligible because of traffic lights at either end: you can’t calculate a single journey because you’re never going to hit the same light exactly the same every time. I have four lights between my house and the freeway, and 7 between the freeway and one of the sites for my job. Each one adds between 0-60 seconds randomly for an average of 6 minutes sitting and waiting per day. I would have to have a commute of like 120 miles of uninterrupted freeway driving for that to matter.
He’s basically gordon ramsey. lots of people want to fuck Gordon ramsey
simulating 4 no less
just put through 365 days of unlimited PTO and watch them change the system
Not since Roz passed last year anyway
I’m not actually a programmer (/engineer) I’m just a hobbyist. I work in supply chain, have worked at 4 companies in 8 years - all had stand ups, all of them are like this.
The purpose of stand up is to not listen to anything and say a sentence that no one listens to. It’s like a Buddhist meditation.
Then define your terms, what is the mobility method, what are the bounds of the classes and by what metric and, what is excellent/great/good/average/poor/bad/terrible mobility?
Appropriately for the meme - also both boomers.
the secret ingredient is meth