Why is Imbacillis weak not dim?
Everyone knows the way to solve your differences is to come together and talk about it…on a tiny, experimental submarine somewhere in the North Atlantic.
Everything is a meme. It’s just an idea that spreads. You spread it, tf it’s a meme. I can’t discern what your point of view was from that previous post since it was removed. This one is equally ambiguous.
Here in the US they wouldn’t even have the shame to drop out.
I found it on Yahoo and military news sites too. The rest were heavy right lean to full-on wack job. So you’re not wrong.
Just to clarify, all men at the age of 18 are currently required to register by law. This just automates the process.
Whenever I look up a topic and the only “news” outlets covering a topic are right wing rags it’s odd. Maybe waving the big, scary government overreach is coming for you is supposed to scare voters to trump, dunno?
I do have empathy. It is a very steep hill. For some, seemingly vertical. I also care very much about people’s health (and my own). Your health is more important than the urge or habit. My point is mostly that if we had the ability to be in our future bodies to feel the effects we all know are coming, that hill would be horizontal.
Fuck they don’t. Stop paying people to destroy your health! I stopped just like that. I take care of my father in laws who smoked until he was 75. Lost his leg due to poor circulation. Lost toes on second leg. Doctor was able to squeeze out circulation in one last hardening artery in his remaining leg. Told him if he didn’t quit he would lose that too. He stopped smoking the next day. Still has that leg. We use nitro patches to keep circulation going on his foot. If he gets a sore or cut it takes months to heal.
Fuck smoking! Don’t trade your later days for today.
Welcome, Josselin, glad to have you!
So friggin cute! Can’t help think of this though
Yes but you are also taking one issue, the genocide, and using it as proxy for all the issues. They are not the same on most of the issues. One is significantly better on most. I just don’t see the equivocation.
So you’re arguing that both sides are the same? You could argue that he may not stop states from archaic legislation but he’s not going to help them. Every one of the supreme justices that have refused to conserve your rights has been designed in their position by the right. I say live to fight another day. We haven’t come far enough but it’s still far from how things were 50yrs ago. Ever heard the saying don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good? Well, don’t let the epically flawed be the enemy of the tyrant.
A brave soul but not the only person that will suffer.
Would you vote for Trump to get us out of WW3 if we’re in it?
Totally agree. I cannot wash my hands of my complicity in this genocide in my inability to help guide my country to ethical, consistent policies.
I admit, all I can do is try to keep the worst out of power.
That’s fine. Just save us your opinion about the alternative shit show that unveils when Trump’s in office. That guy hired John Bomb Iran Bolton as his national security advisor. Trump basically pushed the button himself to kill Qasem Soleimani when his advisors weren’t extreme enough.
If it’s only Palestinians you care about, remember who moved the US embassy in Israel to Tell Aviv. With trump back in office, Bibi could prop up his regime for another 4yrs.
RFK or bust but you won’t get to wash your hands of this going forward.
You mean AI could replace a bot parsing !WSB?
I’m glad we cleared that up