The Luke Skywalker one? Yes. Notorious shitlib
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The Luke Skywalker one? Yes. Notorious shitlib
Russia is the biggest reason the baltics joined.
The Baltic states joined in 2004. Long before Putin was made into a pariah, and Russia was still seen as part of the West and publicly aspiring to join NATO
This is making me reassess Russia’s prospects in an all out war with NATO. If they can’t supply Ukraine alone as it is, how will they supply a war machine for an entire continent when trade is even more limited?
What are the odds Elon would bring it back if pressed?
That is… Mind blowing
Inclusive for me but not for thee
*Narrator voice*
They didn’t finish the job
Nooooo 😭😭😭
Skibidi toilet? Maybe mom and dad were right
It doesn’t stay in one area when you move houses
Then there’s me sitting here with one lonely white pillow on my bed cause I lost the other one.
Line 548! is insane. I can’t even imagine a number that big.
He probably didn’t. Her dad (the grandpa) made the balloons.
October 11th, 2023
It’s not in order but it’s the same order as how dates are normally written.
Zionists are basing their irridentism on the Torah, and from what I’ve read, the Canaanites existed in the area before Abraham was given the land as a promised land.
Minsk Accords, or even a single peace talk