Dammit, Gandalf!
Hello. I am a single, middle aged man from midwestern United States. Pic is not me.
Dammit, Gandalf!
I don’t think injecting someone with a sedative AFTER they’re handcuffed makes any sense. And if ketamine has any negative interactions with anything then it is not safe to inject anyone.
Has this really been considered carefully enough? If anyone might have died from it then it needs to stop until it has been studied very carefully and completely.
No one should die from being arrested. Stop the insanity.
It really is a Brave New World, isn’t it?
I think they forgot the umlauts
I think this is it. The 5 factors instead of 3.
I also think there was something to do with fractions of an inch too. Like that divisibility was also an advantage of imperial.
I’ve read that it is more easily divisible than metric.
Divide a meter by 3 or 4 and get ugly numbers but a foot or yard divide by 3 or 4 quite cleanly. And so on.
Depending on your application this can be very helpful.
Maybe I’ll buy an extra bottle next time I’m at the store, eh?
Wow. That had much more depth than I was expecting.
I also own the extended editions (on DVD). I still have not watched all the extra content. It was just too much!
I did some deadlifts over the weekend. My body won’t let me forget what I did every time I do anything.
You’re NOT doing that?
Kinda like…
…yo momma!
(sorry…it was a beautiful setup…I could not resist)
How’z 'bout I PONG your HEAD, Kenneth? Would THAT be funny?
The trick that I’ve used also works for OCD: Say it to yourself. “The door is locked.”
Works pretty well.
The interwebs seem very, very concerned over Mac and Don’s supperclub’s ability to provide an awful excuse for “ice cream” in the world’s worst cone. Stop the madness. Touch grass and eat real food, nerds.
I agree that the situation in the article is complicated and that these homeless people were not exactly saints.
My point above is that these homeless people living in tents in an empty lot in January are worse off than the homeless people in the article that OP references. Those homeless people live in cars in a protected lot which I think is a big improvement from tent life.
Honestly, this is a lot better / more hopeful than other stories. These people are doing far better than the homeless in tents. In winter.
Like these poor people: https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-nenookaasi-homeless-encampment-packs-up-and-moves-three-blocks-south/600332431/
Horny balrog?
Poor Gandalf.