The problem there is that you have to know exactly what you’ve done to mess it up in order to fix the bug, and when I fuck up my system, I usually have no idea what I did.
The problem there is that you have to know exactly what you’ve done to mess it up in order to fix the bug, and when I fuck up my system, I usually have no idea what I did.
Dunno why Pythagoras would be mad, since the Pythagorean theorem was known for at least a thousand years before his time.
Is this Blahaj.zone admin “child abuse material” or actual child abuse material?
The other historians have never had any friends so they can’t relate to close platonic relationships.
Fun fact: while a much more often occurrence than once in a lifetime, “Thursday the 20th” is tied with “Saturday the 20th” as the least-likely combination of days of the week with the 20th day of the month, even though you’d think the chances would be exactly 1/7.
Here’s the math about the Gregorian calendar that explains why. (Even though the post is about Friday the 13th, it straightforwardly can be applied to any other day/date combination as well.)
So glad to see some actual sanity in these comments in response to the ridiculous OP.