So do you guys not know what skeet means or…
So do you guys not know what skeet means or…
The worst part about Lemmy is the tankies.
Changing the error level in the build config without telling everyone and then making a hyperbolic passive aggressive comic when the senior admonishes you for doing so ?
I’m gonna guess 1 YoE, second job out of college. Enough experience to know what they’re doing, but not enough to know when to do it.
So I agree with OP on the style of the press release being infuriating.
It seems like a lot of tech releases these days are written for non technical journalists (ie The Verge), “tech influencers”, and cargo cultists. They always read in a way that’s super overhyped to the point where you almost want to be dismissive of the end product as a form of protests.
However the tech seems cool. Between VSCode and GitHub we’ll be seeing a lot of feedback sooner or later.
Okay so if you’re actually not lying, then opt out of your insurance plan and buy a delta dental plan via their exchange or the website. It’s quite literally half the cost and comes with free preventative services.
I don’t know about my mom, but my SO thinks you’re all insane POSes who give women a bad name.
Are you in a relationship? If so how does your husband feel about your feelings towards men?
I’m 28.
So you’re an honest to God adult judging people under the age of 25 for things they not only had no part in, but were largely perpetuated by people who are most likely dead?
I feel the need to point out that at any point any of these women could decide to focus on less superficial qualities and more on personality. At some point you’re making a choice.
Okay serious question: how old are you?
Yeah and if their AC was out I would invite them inside.
You are judging people today for things they had nothing to do with on the basis of their sex.
Like how do you not see that as fucked up?
…how old are you?
You know I’m starting to realize why so many people in this thread have dental issues.
Go to the dentist, even if your teeth are currently fine.
So what you’re saying is that it’s okay to let your neighbors struggle during a heatwave if they aren’t well educated?
Not really. This is the Internet. You’re a dick to your actual neighbors. Who you live next to. You you saw in person and laughed about their misfortune. In real life.
42 percent of womem voters voted for Trump. I don’t see you making sweeping statements about them.
35 percent of eligible male voters didn’t even vote.
Among those 18-29, a full 50 percent didn’t vote.
Among men 14-17, exactly 0 percent voted.
I’m not saying that issue doesn’t exist, I’m saying your implication that the rise in men who have never been in relationships is a good thing is ridiculous.
First, women are in a relationship at a much higher percentage in younger age groups. The idea that women love to be in relationships but men don’t is straight up sexism on your part.
There are also huge reports of loneliness and isolation among men. There are reports of a significant minority of men being bitter about not being in relationships or having sex. It’s clearly a big deal.
You are arguing in bad faith in an attempt to dismiss a real issue men face.
Okay so you watched your neighbors struggle in the heat and thought it was funny.
You are a toxic asshole to people in real life.
I mean you’re not wrong. I’ve seen multiple articles stating that a blue sky version of tweet is a skeet. It’s why I’ve written the entire platform off.