Yeah, you either work extra hours or you work during the meetings or both or you get de-skilled pretty quickly unless you work open source, second job or personal projects in the non-work hours. Otherwise, you can treat it like BS job but your skills will become BS and you will have to get better at lying and or potentially go into management with that level of experience. RN I’m unemployed and I’d gladly take any position, even if I’m qualified for senior, and I don’t care if I have to work extra hours to keep up and this is coming from someone who has been actively organizing on the job at my last two tech jobs.
small team with inexperienced new people that needed a lot of training and we also had “architect” positions and those guys I would never even see or talk to, they were in their own realm somewhere isolated from the actual work. what you are describing was more like the “principal” engineer and we had one of those and he was mostly only doing meetings and occasionally doing some work when the itch struck him sufficiently