Sometimes it’s hard to detach It, specially dealing with web dev.
The browser expects JS, since JS was made for the browser, so you make a front in JS. But now you need a back, and hey, you already have all models and repos in JS, might as well make the back with JS.
It’s a vicious cycle. Honestly, JS is fine for either if you are component enough (ie. not using stuff like “is-number”), don’t get the hate on It.
swine is amazing, love me some japanese pork dumplings
that’s crazy, it’s almost like it was created to run on a browser, who would do such an evil thing?
Record<string, unknown> ftw
one logo in the image; something something logo mentioned;
as long as you know what a logo is, the implication is there, smartasshair.
that sounded condescending, but I meant it as a genuine inquiry
things can be demonstrated by math, wdym?
it has a larger complexity, and more variables to calculate, but overall 1+1 is known to be 2, you don’t need the calculator to demonstrate that
usually, western languages have a set flow of reading, from left to right, top to bottom
seeing as there is text in the meme, and the logo is literally at the starting point of a conventional western text…
no, I don’t think so
it is still the same, but we’re already conditioned to have everything thrown at us on every single internet interaction, making the thought of searching something new seem like stepping out of our comfort zone
with AIs and what not, this feeling will only worsen
hell yeah, sometimes problems just need a bit of internet exposure
im fact they’re closing one of the last scaled down power plant simulator, where scientists and students could have a hands down experience in learning about It
im not german, but its so sad, the thing was even made of glass so you could literally see the process
awesome source, i love Kyle’s videos, hes a big nerd and explain things so easily that a neanderthal could understand
it literally lasts forever, forever as in humankind existence on the planet
This joke is awesome in Portuguese.
Adan and Eve translates to Adão e Eva
Adão e Eva, doesnt sound like anything, but
Eva e Adão, spoken all together sounds like “It’s a big fag”
And I find that marvelous.
God did Adan and Eve, not Eve and Adan.
is this a section of a discord api implementation?
That’s a fair and valid meme, honestly