Avatar is a lemming in bed because this account wasn’t intended to be used except for creating communities… and then my instance announced it was closing.
Yep, it’s a PITA to parse and get the values you want. Much prefer JSON. Recently when I needed to parse XML I ran it through an XML to JSON library. Much easier!
If you need to parse XML just for RSS though, it isn’t so bad as there are RSS specific libraries which take most of the pain away.
I can only assume you’ve never tried to parse or read XML.
Very impressed with the Greens - four seats is double what was expected. Great result for them.
The Lib Dems have also come out of this really well.
Pi Hut have a makers advent calendar. It’s a Pico microcontroller and 24 projects. Maybe that’s more a leading up to Christmas thing? Not sure how much programming there is, it might be more electronics. https://thepihut.com/products/maker-advent-calendar-includes-raspberry-pi-pico-h
Absolutely agree, that’s the stuff of science fiction and hopefully stays in the fiction realm.
The issue is that if a crime is committed then the police will be interested in gathering any video footage they can get their hands on (I’ve had it at work where I’ve been asked for CCTV footage from cameras that may have had an outside chance of capturing something important). If a company is sending robots out with cameras on them, and they are recording footage, then that footage is going to be requested (whether the company admits to working with the police or not).
Should there be this many cameras watching our every move? Probably not, but as the cameras are there, they are going to be used, and people should expect to be recorded - especially if they are committing a crime.
Somebody tried to steal a robot and was surprised that video footage from the robot was used as evidence?
Wait, what? How did I not know this? That’s great!