What if we’re all AI?
What if we’re all AI?
You sure about that? https://i.imgur.com/cfh6BiV.png lol
I love how ShittyMorph will live on forever no matter what, even if it’s an entirely different website lol
They used to be “Don’t be evil” now they’re the most evil company, absolutely crazy.
I wouldn’t on a laptop at all FWIW, need my 24" 1080p monitor for that.
My old work laptop had an integrated cover, my new work laptop just doesn’t lol
Both. Both is good.
Well, her name is one letter off of Cries after all.
That’s not entirely true. One of the lead developers of Lemmy almost blocked infinite scrolling being implemented before the other lead developer stepped in and approved it. This can absolutely happen with other features, other features can get blocked.
There’s nothing wrong with having additional optional features through an addon, especially when those features are optional and also don’t have to go through an approval process. That’s the power of addons.
I’m still waiting for a community-based project of passion like Reddit Enhancement Suite.
Lemmy Enhancement Suite when?! lol
When you’re a beginner, it’s both. The further you get into your career, it’s usually imposter syndrome. Then again the more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.
The more dumb changes reddit makes, the more people end up here. I love it. I’ve also really been enjoying a bunch of the memes too lol
BEDMAS says you do multiplication before addition, so it’s 10.
I think the concept of a for loop is easier to learn, even for non-programmers, as biased as I may be.
That’s why I’m so glad to WFH, it saves both time and energy.
I wonder if Lemmy would be more popular or less popular if it had karma?
I have no idea.