“advanced users” on forums are rarely very representive of users as a whole.
“advanced users” on forums are rarely very representive of users as a whole.
Motivated reasoning.
lol you can’t be censored on lemmy. It’s a decentralized platform. Just start your own server.
Those social media tools exist for the fediverse specifically?
I’m not a dev. I’m just sharing an opinion.
If I want to post an image to a lemmy instance it only goes to that lemmy instance and that specific lemmy comm. What if I want to post it to mastodon but have it post also to a couple different lemmy comms or on multiple instances or to a pixelfed account? Or what if I want to post to pixelfed but have it automatically show up to my mastodon account? People on mastodon could follow my pixelfed from mastodon but I might not want to force people to follow me twice on mastodon (follow my pixelfed and normal mastodon account).
Facebook has this kind of posse for Instagram and Twitter, tumblr, and fb all used to have posse paradigms in the early days of open API access.
I offered some ideas in my original post about how this posse could be done using hashtag parsing. There’s a lot of room for experimentation here. And at some level some of the issues here might be at root ahout the way in which identity in the fediverse isn’t properly nomadic/portable etc. The case for this would be less of an issue if identity was decouple from platform and I could have an account that reached across multiple platforms (a single identity for both my pixelfed and mastodon and lemmy accounts. As it stands you have to have a separate account for each to fully interact with them. If the fediverse decoupled identity then one could have a single identity across platforms and that might make it easier to build platforms in a way that were even more interoperable).
I don’t think he’s ever come out in favor of sweatshops? Maybe you’re think of Matt ygelsia from vox.
deleted by creator
Bitwarden is also good.
There’s no intended camps in the image. It’s just a bunch of individual infighting.
You think this guy was left wing?
What’s the point? Gadsen was a slave owning piece of shit. It’s a dumb flag.
That’s not what the meme is saying.
It is like reddit. People without reading comphrension are everywhere.
India has ongoing ideological differences with China though, no? Modi doesn’t seem very friendly to China from what I’ve seen.
LLMs excel at fixing typos. That’s honestly the most useful aspect of them.