types out response then deletes it
Damn those poor people lol
Fascinating though! Thanks for sharing that
Not really. Bathing in the 17th century was more common than a lot of people realize. Check this link out for a historian that argues this in an article: https://frockflicks.com/the-gross-18th-century/
Chat GPT predicts one of the kids will…
…get physically pulled into valves code? Not sure how that happens lol
🎵 One clicked on files they shouldn’t dare Now lost in code, they’ve disappeared in air Gaben warned, but they didn’t heed Now in the depths of Steam, they’ll forever plead
🎵 Oompa loompa doompety dah If you’re not careful, you’ll go too far Respect the rules when visiting Gaben’s lair Or vanish forever, lost in Valve’s software!
Nevermind it works now! For me it would load then show a broken icon
It only momentarily loads for me. My guess is they are limiting its bandwidth(?) I could be wrong.
I’d go on a youtube journey. I’m sure you’ll find some cool linguistics videos about it
You’re lord of chuckles so you’re obviously doing fine. Keep on taking part and have fun here.
Especially if Russia is anywhere near. It could get violent.
The replies in this thread make me feel better for being so oblivious in college.
I still cringe at it but I’m glad I got past it. Again like many of you I don’t know how on earth I got married.
Fucking addition gets you every time.
Lmao I liked this meme more when it was snorlax and the gang.
Something I should mention: I do like IPAs (not only IPA but they are tasty) and can find all 3 of the style of shirt in this weird AI looking stock image in my closet.
Ancient Greek and Roman kids wouldn’t get this meme at all
I think Ian Malcom’s quote “porn will find a way” helps alleviate that. Porn has always been at the forefront of new tech. I think this will be that way too but hopefully we have responsible admins who help to make it only true if you look for it.
How about a super short but also super high budget edutainment show?