There’s no use arguing with Lenins2ndCat. I’ve argued with them before, and they already know they’re right despite any arguments or evidence to the contrary.
I am now
There’s no use arguing with Lenins2ndCat. I’ve argued with them before, and they already know they’re right despite any arguments or evidence to the contrary.
Then don’t call it communism.
If a vaguely populist leader started outright talking about supporting fascism, that would quite rightly bring to mind at least Italian Fascism if not German Nazism, and arguing that they just meant the idea of close mutual support and people being stronger together (like a fasces) would not work.
I mean, it’s pretty damn low though.
Wow, I disagree with every single word of this. You seem to be saying that it’s worth sacrificing liberal rights to attack the right (which you are falsely claiming to be fascists - fascism is a specific ideology, not just an insult for anyone on the right). But in doing so, you become worse than the right.
As a social democrat, I am willing to support and ally with democratic socialists. While we have some differences, we’re both pulling in the same direction. Your revolutionary leftism, on the other hand, is further beyond the pale for me than any liberal ideology.
If this is what your project requires to succeed, then may your project fail.
While democratic socialism is a variety of socialism, Bernie isn’t really a democratic socialist, but a social democrat. Social democracy is the left of capitalism, which is right of socialism in any form.
Before some moron turns up, Nazism is not socialism.
The raised-arm salute isn’t inherently bad, it’s bad now because the Nazis did it. And so, America using a similar salute before the Nazis doesn’t mean America was as evil as the Nazis.
It’s no different in function from any other form of demonising the outgroup. It’s slightly less bad than some because your political views can change, but it’s still a sign of politics gone wrong.
An extra complication necessary to make something work. It’s generally negative.
No, it really doesn’t. It’s a kludge to allow hostile humour against people you don’t like, while protecting those you do, all while claiming impartiality.
Climate change will not cause human extinction. Even the worst predictions aren’t close to extinction level. There’s 8 billion of us and we have technology.
Climate change will cause bad shit to happen. It already has. But bad shit is not the same as extinction.