Someone made a filter for that and it works well. It’s in one of the posts that talked about YouTube doing that (I think the one in the Technology sub).
Someone made a filter for that and it works well. It’s in one of the posts that talked about YouTube doing that (I think the one in the Technology sub).
Yep, right now, using a search engine with Reddit in the query is still the best option to find an answer to something. Maybe Lemmy fits that in time, but until then, Reddit it is.
As a person who makes about 50k, that could be any one of them for all I know. Seriously though, 160k is quite the raise.
Youtube will add things here and there to find you something new to binge on to stay on their platform. If you watch something a little, you’ll be shown a couple similar videos. But if you watch a lot of that first video, you’ll be bombarded with similar content like you were.
It’s made me have to watch in incognito first, just so it doesn’t screw up my Recommended.
Exactly, loyalty to a corporation is so stupid. Buy what works best for you in the moment.
If the company is still doing that when you need your next item, great. But if there is something better with a competitor and it’s not difficult to replace, it’s time to move on.
Seven hour day with an hour and fifteen minute lunch. What kind of magic is this? What’s the catch?
The gall of some managers. They’re going to lose that person anyway - might as well be on good terms where the potential of working together in the future is still a possibility.