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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

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  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Join in on your school clubs and research projects, or start some with friends!

    There are many great competitions where previous programming experience would come in handy.

    One competition that takes place in the U.S.:

    NASA Student Launch

    It actually IS rocket science! Student Launch is a 9-month long challenge that tasks student teams from across the U.S. to design, build, test, and launch a high-powered rocket carrying a scientific or engineering payload. It is a hands-on, research-based, engineering activity and culminates each year with a final launch in Huntsville, Alabama home of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. The activity offers multiple challenges reaching a broad audience colleges and universities as well as middle and high school aged students across the nation.[1]

    Culminating Event Dates: April 30 – May 4, 2025

    Culminating event location: Huntsville, AL

    Eligibility: Open to U.S. Students

    Grade Levels: Grades 6-12, College and University

    1. [1] ↩︎

  • Amid a growing partnership between China and Russia, Mandarin has been growing in popularity across Russia as a foreign language of choice, a trend Putin said was due to developing contacts across economics, politics and society.

    Putin, who speaks fluent German but has also taken lessons to improve his English, said that pupils should not forget the importance of English.

    Russian, English, Tatar, German and Chechen are the most widely spoken languages in Russia, according to the 2022 census. While Mandarin is spoken far less, it has been growing swiftly in popularity in recent years as a foreign language.

    English is the world’s most spoken language with about 1.5 billion speakers, followed by Mandarin Chinese with about 1.1 billion speakers, and then Hindi, Spanish, Arabic, French, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian and Urdu, according to Ethnologue, a language research centre.

  • Was this the article that started it? Do you have the thread or would an archived link be required to see it?

    Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic factors [Andrew Knight, Alexander Bauer, Hazel Brown | Published: September 13, 2023][1]


    Increasing concerns about environmental sustainability, farmed animal welfare and competition for traditional protein sources, are driving considerable development of alternative pet foods. These include raw meat diets, in vitro meat products, and diets based on novel protein sources including terrestrial plants, insects, yeast, fungi and potentially seaweed. To study health outcomes in cats fed vegan diets compared to those fed meat, we surveyed 1,418 cat guardians, asking about one cat living with them, for at least one year. Among 1,380 respondents involved in cat diet decision-making, health and nutrition was the factor considered most important. 1,369 respondents provided information relating to a single cat fed a meat-based (1,242–91%) or vegan (127–9%) diet for at least a year. We examined seven general indicators of illness. After controlling for age, sex, neutering status and primary location via regression models, the following risk reductions were associated with a vegan diet for average cats: increased veterinary visits– 7.3% reduction, medication use– 14.9% reduction, progression onto therapeutic diet– 54.7% reduction, reported veterinary assessment of being unwell– 3.6% reduction, reported veterinary assessment of more severe illness– 7.6% reduction, guardian opinion of more severe illness– 22.8% reduction. Additionally, the number of health disorders per unwell cat decreased by 15.5%. No reductions were statistically significant. We also examined the prevalence of 22 specific health disorders, using reported veterinary assessments. Forty two percent of cats fed meat, and 37% of those fed vegan diets suffered from at least one disorder. Of these 22 disorders, 15 were most common in cats fed meat, and seven in cats fed vegan diets. Only one difference was statistically significant. Considering these results overall, cats fed vegan diets tended to be healthier than cats fed meat-based diets. This trend was clear and consistent. These results largely concur with previous, similar studies.

    1. [1] ↩︎

  • some moderation or the loudest but stupidest would have the rest of us unable to have discussions

    I don’t agree on this; it is just using it as an excuse to censor dissent.

    Not giving them meat will make them sick and possibly die.

    Yes, many on Lemmy pointed that out, and enough reports were made that admins got heavily involved in the managing of the community, which should be a huge concern for those that left Reddit for similar reasons.

    Discussions are good for those that can handle critical thinking, but it seems that any “science” not aligning to the status quo will be censored.

    This goes back to more enforcement and more interference with what moderators want vs. admins vs. users.

    IMO: Like our society and our social media, Lemmy is becoming much more similar to a Police State.[1].

    1. [1] Police State - DEAD PREZ | 03:40 | ↩︎