The SC should actually say this is incomplete, and the SBI needs to give the corelation ID of the buyer and the target party…
The list currently provided by SBI is good, but not good enough…
The SC should actually say this is incomplete, and the SBI needs to give the corelation ID of the buyer and the target party…
The list currently provided by SBI is good, but not good enough…
Hehe. I was joking there.
Have done it randomly on my backup raspi 3 so many times 🤣
Whistles and looks away
I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about
You know you’re in an alternate universe when Taliban urges you to show restraint…
Wait. I thought that the FAA was “owned” by Boeing…
For a low price of $100 per month… /s
Apple: “You’re not using your mac how we designed it to. Please pay $4000 more to use the right side usb-c without issues”.
My eyes!!! My eyes!!! Aaaaa…
“Thirstily”? Really? You couldn’t find any alternative word?
The webp format can go to the depths of hell!
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