Steam reviews seem a mixed bag so doubt it will be a lasting dent. Low content this month won’t help them though.
Not sure the refresh makes it all that appealing, but they surely have more data to go on then I do. Second iteration of changes.
Jagex Launcher will start to require Jagex Accounts soon.
Some adjustments have been made as some of the combined nerfs were too harsh.
Had to deal with this after innocently converting to Jagex account for that golden cape event.
I managed to get it working with TormStorm launcher install script (after several attempts, timeout galore) plus Drauxling post to avoid running rs3 (in my case) through wine. I’d assume osrs would also work (as I assume it’s still java client). It was a “fun” way to lose an hour of playtime fiddling with Wine.
Personally I’d hope that they’d atleast endorsed running the launcher through Proton as to not complete kick less patient/techy Linux users out. Or, doom saying: is this a test to see the backlash/drop-out rate to decide to drop validated Linux support altogether?
Seem like my opinions are wrong 😂
Picked up regular ashes will now be transported to Bank, while wearing Tome of Um 1 or Tome of Um 2.
This is quite a convenient change as well.
And the mad lad did it. Its Dave also took the spot for first to 200M and Max XP!
In just under 3 days Its Dave
took the spot for first to 120 and max total level. Only the push to 200M XP left.
Congratulations to Balletje for being the first 99 on highscores 🎉
Let the race to 120 commence!
Not using the OSRS font? Seems like a missed opportunity 😝
I only somewhat recently returned to rs3 back from the high school rs2 days, but man experience has become cheap. Somewhat regret that I didn’t start as Ironman to avoid some of the “boosts”.
Insert South Park’s I’m sorry joke here