I was being generous when you consider the people in school who somehow pass, even when they don’t know a thing 🥲
My opinions are my own.
An upvote does not mean I agree with the content provided, just that I found it intriguing enough that others should consume it as well. The opposite being true for when I would downvote your content.
I was being generous when you consider the people in school who somehow pass, even when they don’t know a thing 🥲
Apologies, if I came over as hostile. I did not get your meaning through text.
Except they’re not, as you will know their tweet would be false after your first year of any technical (IT oriented) education.
Hey! Thats offensive to 19-25 year olds, there are many who just finished college/university and are more than aware.
They’re just role playing like in movies, with no idea of the consequences.
My grandma agrees with the dog lmao, she will actually give food an hour earlier depending on if it’s day light savings or not 😂
What if they do meet, but then like different shows? 🥸
I feel this lol
I do have some personal experience to ‘prove’ the contrary, since I gave my grandmother an iPhone, it become much easier to deal with. That might be bias though, as that is my primary device as well, so I might just be more used to it compared to troubleshooting Android devices.
Only two alarms would cause me anxiety, need at least 5 to make sure I wake up 🥲
“Putin will now be forced to decide whether to conclude a temporary ceasefire or risk souring relations with the White House under the new Trump administration.”
Honestly wonder if they’d care at all. I really hope there can at least be a breather for a minute, even if it is short lived.
How does it feel, going viral?!
You fold it into itself so that it’s not dirty at all anymore?
I always grind my teeth when I see someone litter a receipt or a candy wrapper. They’re so small, put them in your pocket to throw away later!
It works so well too 🥲