ugly bag of mostly water
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
Not significant but casual. E.g., when I’m headed to wawa and I ask my husband if he wants anything, he says “yeah, a blue gatorade”.
No, of course it’s not healthy. I’m just saying it’s not violent.
In a marriage/committed partnership, I think most people would consider a fight to be an argument with raised voices and some ill feeling. I really don’t think most people consider shouting to be violent. Upsetting, maybe, but violent?
Please give him a smooch for me, looks so soft and cuddly!
Snoot boops and butt scritches for my favorite internet longboye 🥰
I have no clue what Geocities is
Pardon me while my bones crumble to dust
It’s on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer soundtrack “Radio Sunnydale”, and the song before it is Blue by Angie Hart. So these two songs are linked in my head, and every time I listen to one, I immediately have to listen to the other. How’s that for a Pavlovian response? ;)
Funny…I think of Aimee Mann!
He’s bad to the (milk)bone
They’d have to prove there was a plan.
Unrelated: when did peach start signifying ass? It meant pussy when I was a teenager.
Girl I’m with you. It feels like they’re never really clean!
Haha we were all obnoxious young punks at one time. Probably why I love Authority Song so much.
I’m glad you like the rec!
This wolf wears whatever the hecc he wants!