Military industrial complex goes brrrrrr.
Military industrial complex goes brrrrrr.
Agreed. We need to take it up a notch. If you’re getting a permit for your protest, it’s not really a protest. It’s a parade with signs.
Protests should be against the law, even peaceful ones. Things like peacefully sitting in places deemed illegal, creating human chains around eco-destructive & heavily polluting machinery, and destroying harmful oil infrastructure.
The elite will argue that destroying their property is violence, when it is really an act of self-defence. We are an intelligent animal species that comes from the Earth. It is part of us. The same way that your skin cells, and the tissues lining your lungs, make up who you are.
We need to start defending ourselves against the cancer that is capitalism. This is a great staying guide: Eco-defense needs to be popularized.
America! FUCK YEAH! Comin’ again to save the motherfuckin’ day, yeah!
Every bullet fired, every bomb dropped, is money in the bank for American military corporations. War = $$$
Tbf, I send out emails at the end of the day, right before I leave. I don’t expect an immediate answer though. It just takes me that long to motivate myself to write that 4 line email I’ve been procrastinating all day.
Most of those are reposted by the same account. You just need to ban a few accounts and the feed is clean again.