But automatic registration for voting still is evil right?
But automatic registration for voting still is evil right?
What other reason can you name for people being anti immigration when there are zero immigrants in their region? Why do they care?
And regarding talking to conservatives: I do that all the time as (unfortunately) the sports club in which I’m heavily involved is pretty conservative, but I don’t see any reason why I should talk to people pushing and voting for Nazis agenda.
Edit: And I believe that it’s not unreasonable in itself to try and control immigration. But just maybe beforehand we should stop actively exploiting and destroying their countries*.
*wars, unfair free trading agreements, dumping subsidized food, climate change, dumping garbage…
Because they’re manipulated? Because they like easy solutions to complex problems? Because they like to close their eyes and imagine that every can stay the same? Because neoliberal and conservative politicians fucked the lower and middle class while blaming the left (who for the most part weren’t even in power) and immigrants? Because German education has neglected teaching critical thinking skills and streamline education to just provide economic value?
Time and time again anti-immigrant tendencies are highest in areas with the lowest amount of immigrants (see the east of Germany). It’s just easy to hate people you don’t know…
The results seem not to be very helpful: Sure I’m also for a negotiated peace in Ukraine as long as the pre 2014 borders are restored and reparations are paid. But how would you differentiate that from a Putin apologist?
From an outsiders view this seems like a really strange affairs. So immigrants living there for 25 years aren’t allowed to vote in regional (?) elections so that the natives can easier secede which they didn’t partly because they didn’t participate in the vote? Or would this create the same backlash when tourned around and immigrants in France couldn’t vote?
So the second Boeing whistleblower dead in such a short time?
Yeah according to the article it’s more a “please don’t, they could retaliate and the Chinese market is too important”.
Both contain carbs and mixed with cereal you’re eating carbs with carbs 🙂
That’s also the case for animal milk. And compared to what’s in the average cereal you can forget about the oat milk. Just take a little bit less of your cereal (and maybe add a bit of nuts/seeds) and you should be good to go.
The title really sells short his accomplishment. At least I associate the circa 1200km along the longest side with “the length of Italy”.
Oi hopefully that business model will work out for them…
YMMV but I use https://github.com/johnpapa/vscode-peacock to differentiate multiple windows in VSCode.
And that’s why it’s so important that that is not undermined: https://techcrunch.com/2023/04/18/in-letter-to-european-commission-open-source-bodies-say-cyber-resilience-act-could-have-chilling-effect-on-software-development/
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