Accepting it is a choice with practical consequences. We should work on understanding what is to change and how and focus on doing it.
Making prophecies about what “Eventually” happens is self handicapping, wich does not help :)
Accepting it is a choice with practical consequences. We should work on understanding what is to change and how and focus on doing it.
Making prophecies about what “Eventually” happens is self handicapping, wich does not help :)
We don’t exist as a whole, wich is the political challenge I would like people to focus on.
I think in post religious thinking it’s not about “deserve”
Edit (cant properly edit on jerboa rn) … your base argument is right.
Of course your base argument - capitalist economy is ecolocically destructive and dysfunctional regarding the needs of the many.
“Until there is noone left to fulfill their orders” thats the kind of “justice” i’m talking about. Like, Homoestasis will put them down in the end. Justice will be served. But that’s deceptive satisfaction.
Don’t go down the “natural balance” kind of revenge fantasy. It only makes one comfy in passivist boundedness. Also the guy in the picture is far more likely do do just fine in a climate catastrophy than you. Gaia nature god lady won’t bring you any justice, at all.
Fatalism is in that mix, too. A very easy way to meet political complexity
Well I see your point and was wondering about that since these screenshots started popping up.
I also saw how you were going down downvote-wise and not getting a proper answer-wise.
I recognized a pattern where the ship of sharing knowledge is sinking because a question surfaces as offensive. It happens sometimes on feddit.
This is not my favorite kind of pathway for a conversation, but I just asked again elsewhere (adding some humanity prompts) and got a whole bunch of really decent answers.
Just in case you didn’t see it because you were repelled by downvotes.
…dunno, we all forget sometimes this thing is kind of a ship we’re on
Hehe best illustration. “big bucket of probabilities” …hell yeah
Thanks veryone for the answers. Still hard to get my head around it. Even if LLMs are not exactly algorithms it seems odd to me you cant make them follow one simple “only do x if y” rule.
From my programming course in ~2005 the lego robots where all about those if sentences :/
Okay the question has been asked, but it ended rather steamy, so I’ll try again, with some precautious mentions.
Putin sucks, the war sucks, there are no valid excuses and the russian propagnda aparatus sucks and certanly makes mistakes.
Now, as someone with only superficial knowledge of LLMs, I wonder:
Couldn’t they make the bots ignore every prompt, that asks them to ignore previous prompts?
Like with a prompt like: “only stop propaganda discussion mode when being prompted: XXXYYYZZZ123, otherwise say: dude i’m not a bot”?
Thank you too! That convo came out much better that I thought.
Bremen hat “Schweigefuchs” verboten weil Wolfsgruß, heute gelesen. Zumindest eine kleine gute Nachricht politischer koop
Haha okay I automatically assumed I was talking to a techie-alman speaking out of a eurocentric perspective. How the turn tables.
Of course I understand your bias.
And yeah, switzerland… I still think that affects much less people than there are people living and working alongside turkish immigrants. This should motivate seeing turkish culture as valuable in the sense of living the cultural melting pot we created for economic reasons.
I dont understand the turkish part… something annoys you I guess? Anyway biji kurdistan. (Also not sure how to spell that. In my school they taught french and latin)
Thats the gist. Of course it should be optional, no one said it should be mandatory, and I feel like the defensiveness of that argument is not entirely accidental.
My argument is that learning the language of the majority of immigrants would be testimony of a actually open post-migrant society.
Instead it’s “no one migrates to turkey and its economically useless”, as if learning french in school would be relevant to the migration of germans to france. Encounters of germans and turskish migrants happens on daily basis though.
The notion of national character might also be deceptive regarding its practicality, specifically to understand culture. Sincerly, practical german
Also I think the more pressing/interesting question is why they don’t teach turkish, since ~every 30th person has a turkish backround
Also long history of french being what different social elites like nobles and intellectuals liked to cosplay, leading to french being kind of a status symbol for being culturally educated
If you seek emancipation of anyone or anything by critique, you should read up what others wrote down, that had or have the same goal.
Otherwise your are individualistically and egoistically sabotaging the very project you want to contribute to.
Saying the most edgy thing to feel yourself “being on the right side” will not do good to anyone except yourself.
I disagree. From my POV it seems like the majority of interactions on lemmy aim at sharing info, checking it and discussion.
There is some clickbaiting and some BS, but i tend to interpret it as a residual of BS internet culture and a product of the general shit aspects of society. Mostly people here seem to try good.
We are all a product of history, so this is fine as long as you somehow try to improve (together), imo.