I missed the balling is living transformation, at one time balling here either meant having sex or injecting cocaine…oh wait
I missed the balling is living transformation, at one time balling here either meant having sex or injecting cocaine…oh wait
Three of the four arms sticking upwards don’t look like they’re attached to anybody. The one on the far left, that one is obviously attached to the guy there, but whose hand is he holding? That lady next to him? The arm is twisted around. And the two arms on the right side, they look disembodied, like they are props in a group photo. Weird.
Sure, Im just familiar with those two from maybe 20 years prior. When I first heard it used to refer to bball or athletics in general, first thing that came to my mind was cocaine use, injecting is pretty intense I hear. I knew a guy but never have have tried myself.