Wait wait what about the Biden memorial pier can they use that
Wait wait what about the Biden memorial pier can they use that
US backed Settler colonialist entity steals more land while the world watches in horror at their genocide
I’m not saying the shooter was based but I am saying the system murders the fuck out of cancer patients daily so dear FBI friend friend reading this how is your deductible
Some of you may die but that’s a risk we are willing to accept
Because of course they are
I guess when you go full genocide mode you literally lose all of your humanity.
How can any person be so hateful and lacking in compassion. May the perpetrators live forever in their own hell. Inshallah they will fail as all evil eventually does
You misspelled America
I won’t bother listing the countries the US has bombed invaded or overthrown governments in the last oh I dunno 100 years
So many incredibly stupid takes in comments. This is not a game. This is not a fucking Netflix special. The escalation ladder is so easy to go up, but so hard to climb down. This is a terrifying development.
They got nukes and google uss liberty
Long history of outsourcing illegal shit aside
If only international law existed, ah well nevertheless rules based order
Good riddance to the genocide factory and can we roll a new character now please
I would know by the sound of your footsteps mom
Aye. That he would
No worries at all comrade it’s difficult to convey things on the Internet , I mean we’re talking to strangers with no facial expressions so as a communication medium it’s pretty limited. But still and all, we’re on the same team. Fuck war. Fuck the empire, fuck genocide and fuck all the libs and actual fascists that are enabling it
And trust me, I’m not wishing for this outcome at all, I’m just pontificating on the results such an action would create
I’m saying that we had tens of millions of people mobilized in the streets before the Iraq war and those powerful entities did not give a Kentucky fried fuck about the will of the people. I don’t see hardly anyone protesting this latest war so I hate to say it but they are going to do whatever they want. And if the decide to attack Iran it will be the gravesite of empire. Because the entire region will attack Saudi oil infra, US bases will be obliterated, Russia has already signalled solidarity with Iran, it will be a total disaster.
Yep. And when Kamala wins the popular vote but loses the electoral college because swing stat voters actually don’t support GENOCIDE the Dems won’t show a degree of self awareness or accept any responsibility, they will just blame Jill Stein voters
I say let them attack iran. It will be the final thrashing before the American empire collapses completely.
It’s almost as if, stay with me, they understand a nuclear armed state known as the unsinkable aircraft carrier in the middle east that the US uses to both project power and carry out totally illegal blackmail shit via Epstein, illegal surveillance shit, assassinations, etc, needs to be shielded from any accountability