DoN’t BeLiEvE yOuR lYiNg EyEs
Done with /s
DoN’t BeLiEvE yOuR lYiNg EyEs
A journey of 1000 miles/km starts with a single step
George Carlin - The sun worshipper
Never mind, someone got it below
Kubuntu has gotten me further in my quest to leave windows so far, I need to use the official Nvidia drivers for my Vive to work on my 4070ti super. Now waiting on proton to make another huge leap and give me access to the 70ish VR titles that are not showing up on Linux. Fingers crossed. So many suggest bazzite but… no Nvidia support
Thanks, and yes it was
Basic on commodore or turbo pascal on the icon, my first programming languages. Just started learning C++, shoulda started this 30 years ago
This is the way
(I am gonna get so downvoted, tho it fits quite well here with the original Mando)
Another round of layoffs incoming
The force will be with you, always
Do you always ask that of all your prey? Do you just like the sound of it?
Sir, that is a lab. He will grab that very long wood and drag it to the cash crashing everything in his wake, tho I wouldn’t let him take the patio set as he may rip his teeth out trying to get it to the cash. Labs are really great dogs
“Hi, I’m the Adstronaght…”
I like him because his ads are funny (like his skits) AND after his skits so you don’t have to watch.
Removed by mod
Last month Putin started nuclear drills, what did he expect the west to do?
“Russia begins nuclear drills in an apparent warning to West over …”
Corporations: Under pay employees for decades
Consumers: only buy the cheapest regardless of how it’s produced, ensuring a race to the bottom
Producers: lower standards to increase production so they can sell meat for the lowest cost
Consumers when they find out what that entails: shocked pikachu face
At least you OWN the text book and can reference it years later. That PDF scam was a real piss off
Version 3 is ToTaLlY different from v2, i switched all the chapters around
Garbage in, garbage out. Too bad they didn’t vet their data before using it