Thinking about it, it totally makes sense and has in inherent logic, even tho it’s not intuitive
Thinking about it, it totally makes sense and has in inherent logic, even tho it’s not intuitive
I think it’s intended as “not only when” because it would make sense to have an “if empty” case but the way it is, it doesn’t make sense
This but unironically! You wouldn’t download a car, you wouldn’t repost a meme. Property is theft good, actually.
Sometimes it’s wise to give advice how things should work
Not evn Trump drains that swamp. That’s how powerful they are
Clouds aren’t even real. They are a social construct
It’s a fake. All pictures of the gl*be are
Upvoted without explanation
You should definitely try frozen ice cream! Not only has it less calories but it also tastes much better. But be prepared: you might need a spoon because you can’t just drink it like normal ice cream.
Another fun one: The first gas chambers were for neuro divers kids. But not for all, that’s why the categories high and low functional were introduced – by no other than Hans Asperger
Very light detail. Even wikipedia is more critical and names the slave patrols as origin of policing in the US. Your source outright equates law and police which is very problematic. You can have a law and sets of rules in an egalitarian society with a nightwatcher system or something and no armed police force. According to wikipedia:
Up to the early 18th century, the level of state involvement in law enforcement in Britain was low. Although some law enforcement officials existed in the form of constables and watchmen, there was no organized police force.
So police isn’t as common place as your source makes it seem.
I haven’t read it yet but James Scott wrote a book about societies in southeast Asia without government who don’t “turn bloody quickly” whatever that might mean. Also Worshiping Power is a book I have read that’s topical enough.
Nearly every society has had some kind of police/army/guard to enforce laws.
Big citation needed here. Many societies didn’t have a professional army but rather armed citizens who went to war when needed and had other occupations otherwise. See for example the second amendment which wanted a “well regulated Militia” instead of a professional army. Also this is different from a police force which isn’t universal either. Many watch each other or have rotating shifts or something which isn’t the same as a police that necessarily stands above the law to enforce it.
I read it that way first as well but I think it’s intended the other way: “for everyone except farmers” …
Comment has a typo in it; it sholud be cmoment not Comment ☝️🤓
You talking about a pictogram which could be anything from a bike to a motorcycle to glasses? And yes, I’m being sarcastic!
“You’re really committed, right? You’re one of the last ones who stayed.”
“Good that you addressed me. Now I can finally announce I’m leaving. Bye!”