This isn’t even an encryption key. It’s a unique name generated for the image. My guess is it uses the word ‘key’ because the ‘value’ is the image file.
This is also my preprod environment.
This isn’t even an encryption key. It’s a unique name generated for the image. My guess is it uses the word ‘key’ because the ‘value’ is the image file.
This is also my preprod environment.
Item is a function?
Well actually, yeah thats kinda obvious isn’t it now I look at the whole thing.
Thats fine, I’ll just use a bit of the old sed and json it.
Aha I have avoided learning Lua yet again!
Ok so I just have to write a bit of Lua to utilise the file and give me the info I want.
The semi-colons threw me off… why is it not commas? Could be custom. Hope it isn’t…
It’s .list
I believe the program that generated this file is written in Lua
Not to worry; there’s definitely no sensitive information in here and it’s from a preprod environment.
(If you’re able to figure out a way to use that key field, you’re either going to get shot by the FBI or hired by the CIA.)
It is a file created that records information about files in another folder. I just want to extract some values from it. I would have expected this to be in like, xml or json. I believe the program that generated this file is written in Lua, but I don’t know Lua.
I’d totally see it if it was 100% serious, except it’s Terry as Snow White.
I’m only watching if it’s 100% serious. Terry acts as he acts and the entire rest of the movie is as written in the script. Full commit, no comedic rewriting. It’s just Terry playing Snow White.
You’re close, but socialism is like mid-left, and leads to many benefits. That’s the sweet spot. Go too far and you get fascism again under the guise of equality. Everyone is equal when everyone is dying of starvation and gulags.
Yeah, I definitely felt the same. As a bona fide straight white male, I felt pushed to the right by the left, despite also being against prejudice, being pro-lgbt, supportive of minorities, and for preserving culture (that last one is actually very anti-left if you consider history). But I have learned that the things we hear are almost exclusively the extremists on one side opposing the extremists on the other side, and both feed each other. Everyone seems to forget there is a nice moderate just-left-of-centre position where people pay for healthcare with their taxes and aren’t royally fucked by corporations.
I actually meant fascism but auto correct incorrected my comment
Yeah, actually I mean fascism but auto correct ruined it
Can anyone explain how fascism as defined above could apply to the right extreme? Apart from the Nazis? Its really descriptive of the far left. Although oppressing non-cis/het relations is stereotypically right
EDIT: kind of important, fascism was auto-corrected to racism, corrected now
Unfortunately, this sequence is repeated many many times, so I would need to do a for-each and construct a new table for each inner section…
There’s gotta be a better way. Time to read the source code and hijack whatever item() is doing.