God and gremlins arent real
God and gremlins arent real
Step 1: workers collectively own means of production
Leads to Step 2: yanks attack you
Leads to Step 3: Establish a state with a monopoly on violence to kill all the yanks
It has, actually. Got overrun by a bunch of bears
But china doesnt do that
Projection is when the usa propaganda takes one of its own crimes and changes all mentions of “usa” to “china”
Iran isn’t owned by zionists
Britain and usa are
Iran is closer to palestine than britain so their reporting will be more accurate
In both cases, you press compile and the compiler goes “you missed a whitespace/semicolon HERE”
So you guzzled ALL of the burger’s propaganda huh?
Crackkker projecting again
Seems you haven’t seen humanity ever in you life so you can’t imagine it existing
Ah the hitlerite is ableist
Oh wait
All of them are
For usa to transition to communism we first need to strike them with missiles until their whole military & propaganda apparatus is completely destroyed
90% support makes the whole thing more suspicious to me than anything.
So you don’t want democracy?
What do you want then?
Your “hatred” for colonialism?
X doubt
You want hong kong to still be a british colony
Not anymore, they changed it so they are identical except for the license
Wtf a monarchist
So “fascism” is when not ruled by whites?