Thet’s not a ye-ahh. This is a ye-ahh.
If I were still inside your mom I’d make that face too.
Netanyahu has the gaul to tell Biden to his face whilst sitting in the oval office, that he’s a Zionist. An Irish American Zionist. Of all the nationalities he could have called out for being a Zionist, Irish sure is a strange one.
Now the IDF opens fire on a UN peacekeeping force where Irish peacekeepers are stationed. Dude is going to put on a Gimp suit and tickle Joe’s asshole with his nose whilst wanking him off with rosery beads on live TV next, or something 🤣.
Big doubt that he is a Larry 😂
I knew he was big. But god damn. He is the mixing desk! Can’t have been healthy.
Holy fuck he was such a chonk.
Do you realise how much tea stains?
This was the guy who, when told he had cancer, decided to self treat himself with smelling salts or some shit like that. Then when it didn’t work said, “Halp I need medicine”.
I’m so jealous of people that manage to make friends with big cats. I find it fascinating.
On the one hand I’d love to have a lion friend that I can roll around with, have japes and hijinx, and all round be baddass with. On the other hand, I’d like to be alive.
All French people are from Yorkshire, obvs.
Wikihow to drop your shoulder and nonchalantly roll away from a toxic work colleague with unwanted sexual intentions.
Of course he’s a fookin’ Yaarkshire Tea man. Stick t’kettle on, lad!
Things of the past
Incredibly poor color accessibility.
Colonies do lead to revolutions in most cases, yes.
That’s kinda what a colony is when you think about it. A colony that can refuse the colonial overlords is… well… not a colony 🤣.
Magic Grandpa!