Why? So that he could sell marshmellows to the people who lost their houses to the fire?
Just your average friendly neighbourhood radical.
Why? So that he could sell marshmellows to the people who lost their houses to the fire?
I guess you’ve never met an armada of mosquitos, huh?
But “I came to grope and I ain’t leaving”
Pretty much US foreign policy, if you ask me.
that make non-americans like me pray for the fall of the American Empire.
I’m praying with you. But prayer will only get us so far.
Did they pay you extra for this hot take, hasbara?
Apparently, the left is only willing to set fire to themselves for “protest,” while it’s the right-wingers that are actually willing to off capitalist parasites.
The old anarchists must be turning in their graves.
Quite the assumption.
Go learn what the term “assumption” means.
Where the fuck do you libs get your misinformation from?
That’s not where the term comes from.
They’d better hope then that nothing bad happens to their precious military-industrial complex, then, eh?
You know, like losing their access to the imperial holdings that supplies it with cheap fuel, cheap resources and cheap labor?
That’s a rather silly thing to do - create an entire military-industrial complex to crush a mere “pipe dream.” That is, unless you are suggesting that they know perfectly well that it’s most definitely not a mere “pipe dream?”
It’s a pipe dream
Really? Is that why they’ve spent trillions throughout the last century on capitalist and fascist propaganda every year to convince you it’s just a “pipe dream?”
If we had the power to burn it down we would have burned it down hundred years ago.
Right, right, they voted for Trump to tear down a fundamentally white supremacist society.
Yay you.
God, I never felt the urge to smack an NPC upside of the head as much as in that scenario.
True, but that is one grisly-looking headcrab.
Shrapnel-creating explosives is used for open ground. In closed-in terrain, blast explosives is always going to be more effective. That’s why the infamous “potato masher” grenade of the Germans was blast-only - it’s far more effective at killing people inside trenches and bunkers. The US used the WW1-vintage Mk.3 grenade for that same purpose up until very recently.
It can happen, but not at the rate you see in movies. Explosions in real life is far, far more brutal than they are in the movies. Blast waves can liqefy bone - something the writers of zombie media never seem to understand.
Voting is the #1 cause of unwanted presidencies, too.
It’s almost like the game is rigged, I tell ya.
Soooo… your solution to your kid’s fears is animal abuse?