The Bestie Boys
The Bestie Boys
Should else be big_yikes? That seems situational to me.
pic not related
I’m lawful evil. But I think they mixed up neutral evil and chaotic evil.
I’m not sure what Sonic’s deal is. I’m pretty sure he can’t afford the drive thru.
They don’t let him in the drive thru unless he has a vehicle.
I heard sending all the blood to your penis gives you limited, temporary relief.
I beg thy pardon.
As you can see from the data: as Everybody increases, so too does Sucks.
A similar trend can be seen here: on the X axis we track Everything, and on the Y axis a pronounced increase in Fucked is revealed.
Politics is so team sports, they even think performance enhancing drugs are a bad idea.
Biblically Accurate Beauty Contest.
That’s just what Big February wants you to think.
Yes, but you didn’t feel the need to add a note about how you pronounced it just now. And I don’t care if you know how to say it right. Doesn’t matter in text.
I can’t think of another word where spelling it correctly isn’t enough. One must also convey the way they pronounce the word too. The people need to know.
That’s too bad. Just in these last few days I’ve been messing around with free Spotify and I was wondering if it might be worth trying out paying for it.
What exactly is the full screen garbage you’re talking about?
Correct. I’m B 100%.
Man, I’m still waiting on Netflix to tell me my parents and I can’t use the same account. They asked for an email verification code one time and that’s been it.
Honestly I’m just kind of blue balled at this point. Just make me cancel already!
I wouldn’t exactly call LexiVixi an underwear model.
I’m with ensign Gomez.
If only we could do two letters. I really like Lickin Pork.