Tufted titmice are among my favorite birds - and not just because I get to say “tit” in polite company… Also cockatoos and cockatiels.
I am definitely a llama.
🤫 🦙 ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
Tufted titmice are among my favorite birds - and not just because I get to say “tit” in polite company… Also cockatoos and cockatiels.
I mean, to be fair… With the way Mt Dew eats up my stomach lining, I can sort of understand someone thinking it might get rid of DNA on the skin… Kinda…
Man. Florida. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Who knows what kind of crazy will happen next.
I thought the same about seagulls - dumb bird, you don’t live anywhere near the sea… I actually would call them “parking lot gulls”
At least titmice have the decency to be cute!