Manjaro might be good, but you’ll have to adjust the vacuum’s clock every time you want to clean
Manjaro might be good, but you’ll have to adjust the vacuum’s clock every time you want to clean
I disagree with this as a default, but think it might be a good idea as something users could toggle.
Tim Corey on YouTube has excellent beginner C# material. I would start there.
The OP ruled out zig and rust already
They are for sure talking about the ARM servers from Oracle. You get 24gb of memory and 4 cpu cores that you can carve into virtual machines.
Issue is that the free stock is very limited, and there have been some claims of people having their free service resources reclaimed by Oracle.
Still, if you can get one, it is probably the best you can get for free.
$10-20 is what that VPS costs at a cloud provider. You could also dockerize and use a container service like GCP Cloud Run combined with cloud storage within that budget.
I’m not a big node guy, but I also kind of doubt nodejs would fail to handle 10RPS on 2gb of memory. I guess it all depends on what the requests are doing.
Avalonia and Uno Platform if you are working with C#
MySQL (and by extension, MariaDB) has an even better option:
mysql --i-am-a-dummy
Few thoughts:
I guess I need to refactor for readability. What you just explained is the entire point of the comment I posted. Refactoring is part of the job. Don’t give your manager a choice on whether or not it needs done.
C# is great. VS is fine, but being bolted to Windows is no go for me. Rider all the way.
Who is in the wrong? Your manager, for not giving you time to refactor? Or you for giving him the option?
True, but he mentions .NET development is Windows first, and even mentions that you have “some IDE’s that work with it, like Rider”. He kind of said it without mentioning the specific IDE.
Rider is the real MVP anyways.
Ah yes, I see. Thanks for the link!
Lemmy was created because of reddit fucking BS
Lol, no.
It’s selling itself as more than an IDE. The idea is to have templates for common languages/frameworks. Ideally, this would mean not having to learn how to init a project in a given framework, not having to learn the build tools, not having to learn deployment, ci/cd, etc. Just open this new webapp, pick a framework, develop, and click a “launch” button to have it spin up in GCP.
I imagine they mean launching in more of a release sense (IE: Announcing the launch of new app XYZ). I sure hope so, anyways.
TBF, that’s pretty much how mystical it is: