not only OP, look at how many replies this has
not only OP, look at how many replies this has
both 16 and 16 pro have 128 GB base storage
Sounds like a good idea to disable a security feature to not be reminded of the EOL of the software you’re using /s
Who’s making these rules? Why do you need to assume a certain position when you encounter a special symbol?
Extract All Files
Why not Lemmy?
It looks less weird when not capitalized
1987 one is pretty cool in comparison
no changes added to commit (use “git add” and/or “git commit -a”)
Ok so the adblock situation on chrome might get worse, but it might not be as bad as bad as some anticipated.
But is there any advantage of using chrome?
It’s interesting how it seems so important for “conservatives” to believe that everyone agrees with them
It’s not about Apple or Google. There just needs to be a common standard.
It’s not broken though. They broke their own forks of it.
If you copy by reference there’s still only one person.
What is clone by reference?
Ok how do I translate these numbers to distance from mirror?