I did not know that and could not find anythimg online do you mind posting a link with more Info?
I did not know that and could not find anythimg online do you mind posting a link with more Info?
Another win for c# (they call it SpecFlow there).
In all seriousness, cucumber/SpecFlow is an awsome testing suite!
Really? My banks use the best 2fa I’ve seen so far. You have a card-reader which generates a code based on some input values related to the transaction and the physical chip on my bank-card.
(Although they have been pushing PuhsTan (app on phone) a lot recently :/)
I miss tom scot videos
why couldn’t you compute p/q < r/s by checking ps < rq?
That’s what I meant by scaling the fractions. Tbh I kind of forgot that was an option and when I remembered I had allready written the part about comparing floats so I just left it in. But yeah, encoding lengh might be a killer there.
You could also avoid reducing fractions the same way. Like I don’t neecessairly need my fractions to be reduced, if I am just doing a few equality comparisons per fraction. Of course I would have to reduce them at some point to avoid exceding the encoding lentgh in the enumerator and denominator when there is a representation with a short enough encoding available.
I think the bigger problem might be the missing usecases. As another user mentioned, this would still only encode rationals perfectly (assuming no limit on encoding lengh). But I cannot see many usecases where having rationals encoded percisely, but irrationals still with an error is that usefull. Especially considering the cost.
maybe we could solve this by prohibiting the end user from adding or multiplying numbers
I genuently chuckled, thanks :).
It does not even imitate all rationals. For example 1/3.
I’ assume its because implemenring comparisons can’t be done efficiently.
You’d either have to reduce a fraction every time you perform an operation. That would essentially require computing at least one prime decomposition (and the try to divide rhe other number by each prime factor) but thats just fucking expensive. And even that would just give you a quick equality check. For comparing numbers wrt </> you’d then have to actually compute the floating point number with enough percesion or scale the fractions which could easily lead to owerflows (comparing intmax/1 and 1/intmax would amount to comparing intmax^2/intmax to 1/intmax. The emcodinglengh required to store intmax^2 would be twice that of a normal int… Plus you’d have to perform that huge multiplication). But what do you consider enough? For two numbers which are essentially the same except a small epsilon you’d need infinite percision to determine their order. So would that standard then say they are equal even though they aren’t exectly? If so what would be the minimal percision (that makes sense for every concievable case? If not, would you accept the comparison function having an essentially unbounded running time (wrt to a fixed encoding lengh)? Or would you allow a number to be neither smaller, nor bigger, nor equal to another number?
Edit: apparently some languages still have it: https://pkg.go.dev/math/big#Rat
I did an exchange year in MN and my host family there told me not to, always bought bottled water and never drank it themselves. And when I did try it it tasted very chlorinated.
Germany, we do have a few fountains (but they are really uncommon and would have more in common with a normal tab and sink then the american fountains I’ve seen). I’d usually just fill up my bottle from a sink at a bathroom when I’m on the go.
Then what are those for compared to just a sink?
I thought their whole point was that they filter the water because you can’t drink the tap water in the US?
Anytime I see memes like that, I am thankful I live in a country where I can just drink tap water.
What kind of stuff have you been buying that you couldn’t find elsewhere (at a competitive price)?
I buy a moderate amount of my stuff online and was able to almost entirely avoid Amazon this year. The only exception was a phone display where Amazon had a LCD-variant for ~30€ while all others only had an OLED for ~90€.
I think the official therm is to boost a post.
Is that not just the post?
Tbh I often find chatbots good for edgecases which are not well-documented (or not documented at all) but hard too google because one of the (or a subset of the) keywords is just flooded with (ireelevant/) unrelated garbage.
Then I needed something in Power Bi.
I am so sorry. I hope you are ok.
Mid-life crisis? I’m in my mid-20s!