You can update arch from any point of time to the current, it just takes a bit of time. Just use arch archove and update by month or two.
You can update arch from any point of time to the current, it just takes a bit of time. Just use arch archove and update by month or two.
Well, you’ve got an answer to your question in a way. 🙃 But serously, it’s not like authoritarianism is inherently bad or evil. Power, especially unlimited, attracts mostly antisocial people.
It’s not inherently bad.
Who cares? Pronounce it whichever way you want as long as it’s clear/understandable. It would take longer for me to understand what piece of software engine-x is, but it takes a second at most.
Migrating along with usb
Don’t apologise 😄 It might be better if you use bloggy parts of your site as a main page, they might be actually useful for you and other people. Make about page that is about you, what you have done (even small projects but not hello world level), what are you actually interested in doing. Right now it’s impossible to understand that. Some social links doesn’t work, or return 404.
People actually do call it gnu/linux semi-often, dunno why.
I need
It’s just fun to play with, there is no “need”.
Captive portals need to die at least current iplementation, they don’t work in any but the most happy scenarios.
He can be rude but that’s what working with people leads to.
I’ve never seen any *fetch in person, why would anyone even install it?
There is nothing evil about it? Like sources are available, rhel itself is cheap and actually invests a lot in oss. If you want an unsupported system you are free to do something like this.
No one cares? Unless you behave extremely weird at worst people assume that you are advertising something or that’s some kind of attraction with costumed people for kids. Do people really go around in costumes every day and not on conventions and festivals?
What exactly does it tell about me?
They won’t, you really, really, over-estimate how much people would care about weird fetishist people of which there are dozens, and how little of impact posts on the social media have on general public. And bad publicity doesn’t exist, so at worst they attract more customers due to being popular meme place where people are banned for ridiculous reasons.
meh, who cares. after a year they just removed dispenser at previous office.