How do you find a recruiter though? The one time I had one reach out on LinkedIn, it was a scam.
I get every week or so, but every day is just way too much. I’m a big kid, that’s what you hired me for, let me work.
Tetris, I have to have the original controllers though.
I used to think the same thing, but then I met my husband who rides, and now I do too. The way he explained it to me is that you need people to hear you, they may not always see you, you at least get a second chance to not get ran over if they can hear you.
Totally agree. I thought I was an internet person, but according to this I was wrong. I had no idea what any of this was, I watched the video and I’m still not sure.
To quote Ernie, “Here fishy fishy fishy”
So I don’t quite understand these yet but I hate Paw Patrol, what do I do?