wAs EiNsTEiN wRoNg?
wAiT TiLL tHe EnD tO FiNd OuT!
Yeah… unliked and blocked, moving on.
wAs EiNsTEiN wRoNg?
wAiT TiLL tHe EnD tO FiNd OuT!
Yeah… unliked and blocked, moving on.
“How many years is that?”
“At least THIS many.” (holds up 4 Knuth’s arrow notations fingers)
What about the year TREE(3)?
Greasons’ Seatings to you too!
Then as it turns out, a current tech challenge in astronomy concerning gravitational waves, is to parse them through a detector analogous to a prism, to break these waves up into component parts, not unlike a gravitational rainbow.
So it turns out to be not just a poetic flight of fancy, it may describe something that might actually exist. The Universe is always stranger and more wondrous that we can imagine at any given point in time.
translations of bronze and iron age holy texts
Wait, what do you mean by that? I know Tolkien borrowed a lot from old texts like the Norse and Icelandic sagas, but I have read only the four popular Middle Earth books, and have dipped up to my ankles in Icelandic sagas, so that’s as much as I can say for certain.
There’s also Beowulf - of which I have read a version, a translation - and the myth of Arthur and Camelot, what I know is what I’ve seen in Excalibur, which is one of my all-time favorite movies, in my personal Top Twenty to be sure.
But Bronze Age and Iron Age? To put the history of Middle Earth in these terms is blowing my mind a little bit over here, as I have only recently understood the differences between these two surprisingly different eras.
Ancient was ancient and it was all one blurry smudge of names and land and years counted in negative numbers. Then I started to delve a little bit, particularly on YouTube, and it’s like the past popped into 3D and in color, in my mind, to suddenly understand the difference between Sumerian and Akkadian, or between the Medic and the Punic wars.
And frankly, I find the Bronze Age to be much more fascinating and compelling, the first great spurt of civilization, suddenly finding itself with time for organized contemplation for the first time, as well as that most astonishing of inventions - writing, allowing the arts, engineering, infrastructure, sciences, etc. to flourish.
The old Greeks themselves codified this concept into their mythologies:
Kronos (Time) + Mnemosyne (Memory) = The Muses (the inspirations of man).
When that memory got transferred to clay tablets or papyrus scrolls, the curve of knowledge started going exponential, more knowledge in ever shorter cycles.
To now realize that there is a similar level of depth perspective in the Silmarillion, is making Middle Earth pop a bit in 3D and in color in my head.
Sounds like physics in a way, a chaotic and random energy and focusing itself into positive work, creating something with order.
Naturally, both of these dingbats forgot to bring the Visine along.
Your elders are just as stupid, myopic and petty as you fear they might be. But then again, so are your peers.
That stork is clearly trying to choke that wolf, from the inside!
Old Man River. Old Man Hydra?
Talk about looking at the past with distorting rose-colored glasses!
Bilbo’s gone bananas!
Then Saruman decided to turn Isengard into Sauron’s banana republic on the side.
They commodified it and sold it back to Satan on a t-shirt.
Oh yeah? Well I can see colors!
Well… you know what they say: if Frodo can go to Osgiliath…
Engage once, to never engage again with that particular clickbait tripe channel.