I mean, OP provided a source link.
I mean, OP provided a source link.
aren’t not dependent on each other
So, they are dependent on each other.
True story, about 20-25 years ago, a radio station in my home town was playing ads for some new local business doing web design.
After hearing the ad on my drive to work for the umpteen billionth time I finally got curious and went to check out their own website (I they’re charging people to build websites, they’re own website must be a pretty awesome demonstration of their skills, right?)
The website looked like absolute garbage and, upon viewing the source, the meta tags clearly betrayed the fact that it was created in Word.
I can only imagine how much money they were paying to run those ads. I even considered the possibility I was being pranked somehow.
This would make an excellent short film. The fire axes scene would be epic.
At the moment, it’s unknown if there was ever a real-world person behind this username or if Jia Tan is a completely fabricated individual.
Well, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a platypus. There was definitely one or more real-world people behind this. I doubt anyone thinks that their name is actually Jia Tan, though.
r/whoosh 😉
Now I understand where ChatGPT hallucinations come from.
As are Big Macs.
Who says it was accidental?
I don’t understand why so many people can’t just go get their own damn food. Uber eats hasn’t been around long enough for you all to have forgotten what you did before, has it? How did you survive back then?
I would love to know how much of a roll that meme played in her choice of degree. Like, in the parallel universe where everything is identical up to this fire, but this picture wasn’t taken (ie, the camera didn’t work or something), did she still choose that degree?