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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It has been suggested that’s part of the reason for the price surge. A lot of people just aren’t buying from McDumpster anymore and so in order to hit the same levels of year over year profit increase they’ve raised their prices to make up for lost sales. So they have significantly fewer people paying significantly more money for the same shitty food. Ultimately this will lead to a death spiral, but they’re so massive it’s going to take a really really long time before they hit the bottom.

  • What was claimed is that you can’t get a Rust job which implies there are no Rust jobs, so it’s important to call out the distinction. This was further implied by the tone of the article title which implied that the author was leaving Rust for good. While the contents of the article was more nuanced the title counts for a lot and has to be taken into consideration.

    On the whole cryptocurrencies/blockchain jobs thing I’m not even sure I’d consider those real jobs. The overwhelming majority of those are startups that pay in equity and I expect nearly 100% of them to fail making that “equity” utterly worthless. I’d only consider positions in established companies paying actual salaries as real jobs.

  • Reading the comments it seems like there may be a bunch of Rust jobs, they’re just not advertised as much and many of them are filled by senior people with expertise in other areas and languages. In particular it seems like a lot of jobs at Amazon in the AWS department use it heavily. It might simply be too new to really see heavy recruiting for new hires yet. In another decade as teams expand and senior people move to other positions or retire we might see a sudden surge in companies looking for Rust devs.

  • if you use a garbage collector which is perfectly suitable unless you write low level embedded systems or oses

    Or games, or realtime systems, or high reliability/mission critical systems, or high performace systems. There’s a long list of programs that GC isn’t suitable for for one reason or another.

    and even if you use something like C or C++ where you manually allocate or deallocate, if the app is properly tested memory issues won’t happen.

    There’s about four decades of security vulnerabilities in extensively tested and widely used software that says this is absolutely false.

  • Cargo is doing too many things at once. It’s a build system but also a package manager but also manages dependencies? Idk what to even call it.

    Somewhat agreed, but it’s a very difficult problem to solve. No language has yet come up with the perfect build tool. JS is on what, like the 12th build tool in as many years now? Some serious throwing stones in glass houses vibes here.

    Syntax is very confusing for no reason. You can’t just look at rust code and immediately know what it does.

    Strongly disagree on this point. Those extra glyphs in Rust are not just cosmetic, each one means something very specific and conveys very important information.

    Having to pollute your code &, ? and .clone() everywhere to deal with ownership

    You don’t “deal with” ownership, it’s an incredibly powerful tool you use. This just sounds like you haven’t really understood what the borrow checker is actually doing and the hundreds of problems it solves for you. I can not count how many times now I’ve been working in another language and had the thought “I could solve this with the borrow checker”

    Js is way more readable.

    JS is not more readable, JS is just far less detailed. It omits a vast swath of information such that you have almost no idea what it’s actually doing. It feels easier to you because you don’t care about any of the details, but those details become vitally important when things stop working and you’re trying to figure out why. This sounds to me like you’ve never had to write any actually complicated code. If all you’re trying to do is chain together a series of HTTP calls and maybe parse a tiny bit of JSON, yeah, Rust is like using a nuke to kill an ant.

    Similarly, Async code starts to look really ugly and overengineered in rust.

    A little bit, but mostly because doing async right is really complicated. Once again no language has a really great solution to this problem yet, they all involve tradeoffs.

    Multiple string types like &str, String, str, instead of just one “str” function.

    Once again it seems you don’t really understand the difference between owned and borrowed values or stack vs. heap allocation and why it matters. Really there’s only one type of String which is String, the others are just different ways of borrowing a String (with different tradeoffs).

    i32 i64 i8 f8 f16 f32 instead of a single unified “number” type like in typescript. Even in C you can just write “int” and be done with it

    If all you want is a “int” you can just use i64 for everything and “be done with it” as you say, you’ll just be adding a ton of wasted memory and needless overhead for no good reason. Seems like you just don’t like strong typing. I’m surprised you even bother with TypeScript instead of just using JavaScript.

    Having to use #[tokio:main] to make the main function async (which should just be inbuilt functionality, btw tokio adds insane bloat to your program) yet you literally can’t write code without it.

    You absolutely can write code without using #[tokio:main], you can even use tokio without that, it just saves you having to write a bunch of boilerplate to initialize tokios executer and pass your async functions to it. You can even use async functions without tokio, you just need to provide your own executor. Async in Rust is still pretty new and some of the rough edges are still being worked out, it will get smoother, but honestly the things you’re complaining about aren’t even the annoying parts about it.

    Speaking of bloat, a basic get request in a low level language shouldn’t be 32mb, it’s around 16kb with C and libcurl, despite the C program being more lines of code. Why is it so bloated? This makes using rust for serious embedded systems unfeasible and C a much better option.

    I have no idea what you’re doing to generate code sizes like that, but I guarantee you could get a significantly smaller program in Rust that does exactly what the C code is doing. As for embedded this is patently false. I personally use Rust regularly on embedded devices that don’t even have 32mb of RAM on them.

    With cargo you literally have to compile everything instead of them shipping proper binaries. Why???

    This isn’t a cargo thing, this is a Rust compiler thing. The Rust ABI hasn’t been standardized which means currently there’s no guarantee that Rust code compiled by one version of the compiler can successfully link against code compiled by a different version. Until not that long ago C++ actually had the same problem. This will eventually get fixed, but the language team feels things are still moving too fast to define a concrete standard yet.

    Another major issue I’ve encountered is libraries in Rust, or lack thereof. Every single library in rust is half-baked.

    Rust is still pretty new, so a lot of libraries are still in active development, but there are already many excellent and very well documented libraries. Axum is literally one of the newest web frameworks in Rust and didn’t even exist that long ago. I’ve seen far worse documentation for JS libraries (and don’t even mention C, the gold standard there is practically a man page that’s just a glorified header file).

    As for “memory safety”, it’s a buzzword. Just use a garbage collector.

    Memory safety is not “just a buzzword”, there’s a reason all the top vulnerabilities for decades now are all memory safety issues. As for a garbage collector, good luck with that when writing embedded software or a kernel.

    The rest of your rant basically boils down to “my particular simple use case doesn’t see much value from what Rust provides”, which is fine. If you don’t need the power of Rust, use something weaker, not every problem needs the nuclear option, sometimes you just need something quick and dirty that will run a few times before it falls over. Hell, sometimes a quick Perl script is the right solution. I mean, not often, but it does sometimes happen. When you do find a problem that your quick and dirty approach isn’t working on then you’ll see the value in Rust.

  • It’s an interesting point but I think it kind of confuses two different but related concepts. From the perspective of the library author a vulnerability is a vulnerability and needs to be fixed. From the perspective of the library consumer a vulnerability may or may not be an issue depending on a lot of factors. In some ways severity exists in the wrong place, as it’s really the consumer that needs to decide the severity not the library.

    A CVE without a severity score I think is fine. Including the list of CWEs that a particular CVE is composed of I think is useful as well. But CVE should not include a severity score because there really isn’t a single severity but a range of severities depending on specific usage. At best the severity score of a CVE represents a worst case scenario not even an average case, nevermind the case for a specific project.

  • Yeah, our security team once flagged our app for having a SQL injection vulnerability in one of our dependencies. We told them we weren’t going to do anything about it. They got really mad and set up a meeting with one of the executives apparently planning to publicly chew us out.

    We get there, they give the explanation about major security vulnerability that we’re ignoring, etc. After they said their bit we asked them how they had come to the conclusion we had a SQL injection. Explanation was about what you’d expect, they scanned our dependencies and one of the libraries had a security advisory. We then explained that there were two problems with their findings. First, we don’t use SQL anywhere in our app, so there’s no conceivable way we could have a SQL injection vulnerability. Second our app didn’t have a database or data storage of any kind, we only made RESTful web requests, so even if there was some kind of injection vulnerability (which there wasn’t) it would still be sanitized by the services we were calling. That was the last time they even bothered arguing with us when we told them we were ignoring one of their findings.

  • It also massively helps with productivity

    Absolutely! Types are as much about providing the programmer with information as they are the compiler. A well typed and designed API conveys so much useful information. It’s why it’s mildly infuriating when I see functions that look like something from C where you’ll see like:

    pub fn draw_circle(x: i8, y: i8, red: u8, green, u8, blue: u8, r: u8) -> bool {

    rather than a better strongly typed version like:

    type Point = Vec2<i8>;
    type Color = Vec3<u8>;
    type Radius = NonZero<u8>;
    pub fn draw_circle(point: Point, color: Color, r: Radius) -> Result<()> {

    Similarly I think the ability to use an any or dynamic escape hatch is quite useful, even if it should be used very sparingly.

    I disagree with this, I don’t think those are ever necessary assuming a powerful enough type system. Function arguments should always have a defined type, even if it’s using dynamic dispatch. If you just want to not have to specify the type on a local, let bindings where you don’t explicitly define the type are fine, but even in that case it still has a type, you’re just letting the compiler derive it for you (and if it can’t it will error).

  • Hmm, sort of, although that situation is a little different and nowhere near as bad. Rusts type system and feature flags mean that most libraries actually supported both tokio and async-std, you just needed to compile them with the appropriate feature flag. Even more worked with both libraries out of the box because they only needed the minimal functionality that Future provided. The only reason that it was even an issue is that Future didn’t provide a few mechanisms that might be necessary depending on what you’re doing. E.G. there’s no mechanism to fork/join in Future, that has to be provided by the implementation.

    async-std still technically exists, it’s just that most of the most popular libraries and frameworks happened to have picked tokio as their default (or only) async implementation, so if you’re just going by the most downloaded async libraries, tokio ends up over represented there. Longer term I expect that chunks of tokio will get pulled in and made part of the std library like Future is to the point where you’ll be able to swap tokio for async-std without needing a feature flag, but that’s likely going to need some more design work to do that cleanly.

    In the case of D, it was literally the case that if you used one of the standard libraries, you couldn’t import the other one or your build would fail, and it didn’t have the feature flag capabilities like Rust has to let authors paper over that difference. It really did cause a hard split in D’s library ecosystem, and the only fix was getting the two teams responsible for the standard libraries to sit down and agree to merge their libraries.

  • I’ll look into OPAM, it sounds interesting.

    I disagree that combining build and package management is a mistake, although I also agree that it would be ideal for a build/package management system to be able to manage other dependencies.

    A big chunk of the problem is how libraries are handled, particularly shared libraries. Nix sidesteps the problem by using a complex system of symlinks to avoid DLL hell, but I’m sure a big part of why the Windows work is still ongoing is because Windows doesn’t resemble a Linux/Unix system in the way that OS X and (obviously) Linux do. Its approach to library management is entirely different because once again there was no standard for how to handle that in C/C++ and so each OS came up with their own solution.

    On Unix (and by extension Linux, and then later OS X), it was via special system include and lib folders in canonical locations. On Windows it was via dumping everything into C:\Windows (and a lovely mess that has made [made somehow even worse by mingw/Cygwin then layering in Linux style conventions that are only followed by mingw/Cygwin built binaries]). Into this mix you have the various compilers and linkers that all either expect the given OSes conventions to be followed, or else define their own OS independent conventions. The problem is of course now we have a second layer of divergence with languages that follow different conventions struggling to work together. This isn’t even a purely Rust problem, other languages also struggle with this. Generally most languages that interop with C/C++ in any fashion do so by just expecting C/C++ libraries to be installed in the canonical locations for that OS, as that’s the closest thing to an agreed upon convention in the C/C++ world, and this is in fact what Rust does as well.

    In an ideal world, there would be an actual agreed upon C/C++ repository that all the C/C++ devs used and uploaded their various libraries to, with an API that build tools could use to download those libraries like Rust does with crates.io. If that was the case it would be fairly trivial to add support to cargo or any other build tool to fetch C/C++ dependencies and link them into projects. Because that doesn’t exist, instead there are various ad-hoc repositories where mostly users and occasionally project members upload their libraries, but it’s a crap-shoot as to whether any given library will exist on any given repository. Even Nix only has a tiny subset of all the C/C++ libraries on it.

  • So, it’s C#?

    No, that’s what Java would look like today if designed by a giant evil megacorp… or was that J++. Eh, same difference. /s

    This did make me laugh though. Anyone else remember that brief period in the mid-90s when MS released Visual J++ aka Alpha C#? Of course then Sun sued them into the ground and they ended up abandoning that for a little while until they were ready to release the rebranded version in 2000.

  • Rusts ownership model is not just an alternative to garbage collection, it provides much more than that. It’s as much about preventing race conditions as it is in making sure that memory (and other resources) get freed up in a timely fashion. Just because Go has GC doesn’t mean it provides the same safety guarantees as Rust does. Go’s type system is also weaker than Rusts even setting aside the matter of memory management.