Where can one find that episode? … FOR A FRIEND OF COURSE!
Father of 2; husband; FOSS & Linux lover and willing teacher; absolutely cynical. In that order.
Ex-Red Hatter focused on supporting services such as systemd, dbus, rsyslog, secvuln, openssh, etc.
Where can one find that episode? … FOR A FRIEND OF COURSE!
They also gave me crippling anxiety. Sure showed me!
I was worried there for a second. The oak trees I’ve seen are green ans brown.
“In essence, the accuracy is entirely dependent on the difficulty of the test.”
AKA doesn’t work for shit. Don’t bother with it. And even if it did work, it’ll be an arms race and right now the deepfakes have the nuke and Intel has a musket.
I just created a helper for this new build system, I plan on getting angel investors for my startup.
I’ve also created my own license so anyone that views it is now working for me. The wrapper:
g++ *
I actually had an argument while in college with my Comp Sci advisor. I argued I shouldn’t have to take a foreign language, that I couldn’t pass, because I was learning so many programming languages. They didn’t buy it. I didn’t complete the program. :-D lol
Arrest those parents for child abuse! No not the alcohol!
Flatpak works on Steamdeck.
The Linux Experiment is also on the Fediverse.
Mastodon: https://tilvids.com/accounts/thelinuxexperiment
TILVids (Peertube instance): https://tilvids.com/w/995NqXZXXshptUnwZNcbKi