How do I give 500 upvotes?
Social media is probably the most insidious weapon of mass destruction nobody ever thought of.
How do I give 500 upvotes?
Already the coward starts retreating.
Teams have nothing to do with it. If I were to punch you in the face, I would expect you to punch me back. If instead you cowardly did nothing but later ran outside and slashed the tires on my bike. That’s cowardly. Plain and simple. After all the bravado from Iran that would certainly lose them quite a bit of respect in the Muslim world for failing to stand up against the Great Satan.
That isn’t the point. What they are in effect saying is if I hit them, they are gonna break my toy. That is cowardly for all their bravado in the past.
Hmm, so let me get this straight. If we say, send an ICBM or something directly into an Iranian military base inside Iran, Iran is gonna flex all of it’s big bad muscle and strike an asset of ours in the middle east? that’s supposed to make us tremble in fear? Sounds more like a threat you hear in junior High School from kids that are afraid to fight you.
She didn’t disregard anything except her neurons.