Javascript and not Coq?
Javascript and not Coq?
I actually like it better this way, as I wouldn’t have to reach in as far to turn it on. I think having controls there and the spigot on the corner on the left would be best, though.
But that’s the point. The Onion tries to write real-sounding headlines, and c/nottheonion is for real headlines that sound particularly unbelievable.
If you want to improve your problem solving skills, I’d suggest solving actual problems. Data structures and algorithms can be very satisfying in their own right, but the real value is in taking a real-world problem and translating it into code.
It also depends what you want to do with your knowledge. There are domains that are deeply technical and require a lot of the things you’ve mentioned, but they also tend to be pretty hard to break into. A lot of software is not so deep. Any software project will have need for good domain modeling, architecture, and maintainability. Again, these are things best learned through practice.
Armed Bear in the same vein
C shell
Well it wasn’t a website, for what it’s worth.
Tangentially related, I remember at one of my jobs being tasked (several years in a row) with updating the copyright year in all our source files’ headers.
I got super sick from this. It probably didn’t help that I was trying soothe my upset stomach with more peanut butter.
im multisexual which means i like multiple sex
I suspect there are a lot of “Rust devs” that are little more than kool-aid drinkers. Common refrains are that Rust is the fastest language, most type-safe language, and most powerful language. Rust certainly seems to move the state of the art forward in some ways, but you can still write garbage code in it.
I’ve worked with lots of different people in lots of different languages, and I think I’d rather good people in a bad language than the other way around by a mile.
It always grates on my nerves to read laypeople’s opinions of how software development should happen. So much unfettered stupidity.
I can finally finish my Gyro Zeppeli cosplay
I think your quantifier of “any other language” is the issue. There are certainly languages with far more powerful type systems than Rust, such as Coq or Lean.
This is my perspective on a lot of art and music. If something is universally hated, I want to know why it is and if I can find any redeeming qualities. A lot of my favorite things have that characteristic of doing something very specific extremely well but being generally unlikeable.
I appreciate the swords-into-ploughshares mindset
Switching to Linux or… maybe?
An acronym is a kind of initialism that can be pronounced like a word e.g. NASA. Your reasoning for why it can’t be pronounced as a word (“sequel”) depends on it not being an acronym. But, since many people do pronounce it that way, it is, in fact, an acronym and can be pronounced that way.
Yeah, you would get a runtime error calling that member without checking that it exists.