With the surge in AI usage and using that in media to bring back dead artists i cant wait for the drop of the new Tupac single featuring Janis Joplin
With the surge in AI usage and using that in media to bring back dead artists i cant wait for the drop of the new Tupac single featuring Janis Joplin
Ladders too.
Damn. Cant have shit in Imladris.
The argument can at the very best be very loosely made about the early NAZI party before the Night of the Long Knives. There were some incredibly loose planks in the platform up to that point that could be described as progressive/socialist. Not that any of the leaders with the possible exception of Röhm actually believed it. It was just a tactic of throwing out anything that would garner support to the movement. In this case to bolster interest among poor workers that would have been more inclined to side with the parties on the left.
Must have been an important call considering he was gone for over 15 years.
Cries in KOTOR