We should aspire to be friends with all beers. Let us appreciate all styles for the unique qualities they bring to the table.
Except sours, those are gross
We should aspire to be friends with all beers. Let us appreciate all styles for the unique qualities they bring to the table.
Except sours, those are gross
“And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I’m dying Are the best I’ve ever had”
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but very rarely are desperate parents the ones stealing baby formula to feed their baby.
Baby formula theft is done in large quantities by a middleman for two purposes:
to be resold at another smaller store, not any cheaper than the original retailer
to be used to cut / dilute the product in drug manufacturing
People stealing baby formula are not handing them out to grateful mothers in a Robin Hood style act of compassion.