Could be interesting. Non-free and current GenAI tools violate copyright, we may consider some evolutions of copyfarleft licenses to forbid such use of source code in these types of tools.
Software crafter and digital punker keen on open source, iOS and Android apps. Interested in software ecodesign, privacy and accessibility too. pylapersonne.info
Could be interesting. Non-free and current GenAI tools violate copyright, we may consider some evolutions of copyfarleft licenses to forbid such use of source code in these types of tools.
And nice comment spotted there: https://fosstodon.org/@geraldew/113849843708286036
Just wanted to share for the common knowledge and the debate as I already saw here some “post open source” and content about rubbish licenses like SSPL or BSL 😉
Be sure also the issues you have in your project have the suitable labels to help future contributors to pick easily some of them, i.e. labels like “help wanted” or “good first issue”.
You can also refer to best practices listed and explained for example in Advent of Open Source so as to have a nice and user-friendly repo: https://adventofopensource.com/
BTW I hope any project won’t increase the Z version only by including Dependabot commits, it would be insane. Release must be documented, tested, with CHANGELOG updated. If some maintainers just accept Dependabot commits without checking, move away. That’s just simple crappy auto-merge.
That is the reason why some developers are “full stack”. All computers are stacked 🤪
The disappearance of all these tech peacocks and web turkeys who focus on their number of followers and the quantity of talks rather than quality. The dev rel advocates made the atmosphere toxic
Feel free to share your feedback to the team behind the project, they are awesome 😄
Woops, the French developers behind the project didn’t know 😂
So annoying. It is useless to bring gamification to open source projects. It won’t enhance quality nor bring reliable contributors. People should contribute to FLOSS projects without such things IMO.
I still don’t understand why Hacktoberfest get so much hype. I don’t even understand Hacktoberfest meanings. Is it to get shiny badges on GitHub accounts?
Not sure of that, maybe we need some case law or update on existing copyleft licenses. Source code generated with GenAI tool, even if their model have been trained with corpora of copyleft sources, are not (yet) considered as derivative works. What a pitty.